Friday, October 5, 2012

Little Leaguer has Unassisted Triple Play, Ump Blows Infield Fly Rule

Little Leaguer has Unassisted Triple Play, Ump Blows Infield Fly Rule
Give me a break Payne, no outs and the bases juiced and youre going up there hacking at a pitch above the letters? You aint Vlad Guerrero. Oh and kid playing 3rd base, relax a bit. No need to stand with the glove down for every pitch. Rule #1 for the hot corner, stay agile, never know when a liner is coming at your cheekbones to make you drink applesauce for the rest of summer.
As for the play, pretty nifty, kid had his head in the game and I appreciate that. Helps when the other kids have their heads up their asses, but lets not belittle the accomplishment, theres only been 15 of those in the history of the Majors. Yeah, try that shit Josh Hamilton then get back to this kid.
PS- Time for the Elephant in the room. Uhhh…..Infield Fly rule ump? Are you kidding me Blue? Rule 6.05(L). Wally Backman would’ve torn your ass apart on that.

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